Game Purpose

The goal of the game is to beat your opponents :)
This is done by programming the best possible spacebattlez bot, and upload it.
On the template page, it is possible to find template to the current supported language.

Each hour the server will select what bots should fight (based on their score).
After each fight, the score of each bot is updated.
The best bots is shown on the front-page Scoreboard

The Game

The game looks like this:
A game consist of maximum 300 ticks, shown in the bottom left (Tick count)
For each tick, the bots will have to evaluate the current state of the battlezone.
Based on this info each bot have to send out fleets from their own planets to defeat the other bot.


The planets in the battle zone is procedural generation. They will therefor vary from game to game.
Some battle zones will have many planets, where other might have few.
However, each battlezone will contain at least one planet for each bot.

Beside player owned planets a number of neutral planets will be in the zone as well.
These are the gray planets. Neutral planets do not attack.
The number in each planet shows how many units the planet have.
These units can be used to send out fleets to attack or defend other planets.

Player owned planets produce X number of units for each tick. X depends on the size of the planet.
For each tick, each player bot can send out fleets from their own planets.


Fleet can travel between planets, from source planet to destination planet.
Fleets is used to attack a neutral/enemy planet or to defend a planet owned by the player bot.

When a fleet reaches a neutral/enemy planet, the fleet will attack the planet, thus subtracting the fleet count from the planet count.
If the fleet count is bigger than the planet, count the ownership of the planet will change to the owner of the fleet.
If a fleet reaches, a planet owned by the bot itself the fleet will add to the number of units on the planet, helping to defend the planet.