
Here I'll try to answer some of the more technical questions about the game.
Do write me if you think something is missing

How do i calculate when a fleet arrive at its destination?

A fleet travel 20 units per tick.
Calculating arrival time is therefore
Math.Celing(Distance(Planet1.Position, Planet2.Position) / 20.0)
or as a full method:
private int TravelTime(Position p1, Position p2)
	var distance = Math.Sqrt((p1.X - p2.X) * (p1.X - p2.X) + (p1.Y - p2.Y) * (p1.Y - p2.Y));
	return (int)Math.Ceiling(distance / 20.0);

What happens if two different fleet attack a planet at the same time?

If the two fleets comes from different bots, they will attack each other first before attacking the planet.
A small example:

Two bots attack the same neutral planet in tick 10.

The two fleet will attack each other first before attacking the planet.
Which means the red fleet of three units will crush the blue fleet of two units.
Leaving back one red fleet to attack the planet.
As seen in tick 11, the neutral planet have lost one unit.